Frequently Asked Questions
Our transmitters are produced in powers of 1kW, 3.5kW, 6kW, 9kW, 12kW, 15kW, 18kW, 24kW, and 36kW.
But we don't stop here.
When receiving the transmitter from BT, the broadcaster needs only an Internet connection and a fixed IP. With this, the customer accesses the transmitter's App over the Internet with the fixed IP and a password. The client can completely control the transmitter, from the complete operational and modulation visualization to the power programming, being able to increase or decrease power according to his needs, editing schedules, registering an e-mail to receive data, etc. All access on the screen of your computer, tablet or phone.
Yes, all our transmitters, before marketing are subjected to all tests and measurements to obtain the certificate of approval. You can access it through the link below on our website or through the product tab in the transmitter of your need.
We know that unforeseen events happen, but don't worry. Our team is always available to our customers for any technical support needs through our communication channels.
Yes, we will always be offering issuers' technicians all the necessary replacement support for items that can be easily replaced.
Além do prazo de garantia legal de acordo com o CDC (Código de Defesa do Consumidor), a BT garante mais 21 (vinte e um) meses de prazo de validade desta garantia totalizando uma garantia de 24 (vinte e quatro) meses, contados a partir da data de emissão da nota fiscal de compra.